During the nineteenth century, a new phenomenon has been brought to the world. Marudur is a small village about 15kms, south west of Neiveli, which is very well known to the world as an area containing a vast sphere of lignite and this is located in Tamilnad of South India. There lived a couple Ramiah Pillai and Chinnammayyar, who were much devoted to the God and having much faith in Saiva Siddhanta.
One day, when Ramiah Pillai was away from home, a saffron-clad saint came to their house. The guest was treated courteously and fed with good dishes. Having been pleased immensely with the courteous given to him, the saint at the time of his departure, blessed her with some sacred ash (vibudhi) and uttered the following words. “you will beget a son, who will be able to deliver the art of deathlessness, which will be a boon to the entire world” So saying the saint disappeared. Though it has been acknowledged by all as a remarkable event, the intricacy lying therin has to be understood only from a higher plane. The very moment the lady heard the words of the saint that she would bring forth a child, she conceived and this form of creation is termed as “sambupaksha shrishti”.

Creation has been classified into five divisions. Of these, the world is aware of only first two sections. i.e., to say that a combination of the male and female substances make the way for the formation of an embryo, which gradually grows into a child and brings up in the world to gain more experiences, for which it has been brought up here. Contrary to this, the “sambupaksha shrishti” is a different one, where the embryo comes into existence, the very moment the utterance comes from the mouth of a holy saint and it is a rare phenomenon in the world. Days passed in and at the end of the gestation period, the lade gave birth to a male child on the fifth day of october 1823. Blessed by the divine Grace, the beloved parents showered their love and affection on the darling child and brought him up with great care.
The child was also named ‘Ramalingam’ Usually human beings are called after the names of God especially in Tamilnad in India. The common belief that is prevailing in the society is that once they call on this name, they are induced to remember the God often. Though this may be true to some extent, it is not quite correct, since the name once assigned to him will not last after his expiry. But the Indweller is always there without any beginning or end. So the name by which he is called will remain for ever without a blank. The human being is the outer form of God and as such in whatever name he is called, it will reflect the invincible form of the Indweller only and not physical body as construed now. We shall proceed further with the history of the child as it is the theme taken up by us for elucidation. In Hinduism, it is a tradition to take a new born child to the temple and offer prayers before the Deity to bequeath the child with His Blessings. On this basis, when the child was five months old, the parents took him to Chidambaram temple to offer their grateful prayers. As usual the priest lit the camphor and offered it to the Lord at the Sanctum Sanctorum. No sooner the vision appeared, the child laughed loudly and gazed for a few seconds. A few words about this vision will get its significance. The material world is thinking that the child has laughed due to his ecstacy.
Is it a real laugh the child had? The answer is No. Then what dows it suggest? One has to understand that the effulgence of the inner Light of Grace (Arut Jothi) has been realised by the child as soon as the outer light came to his visibility. This pleasant experience has been expressed in some of the poems edited by the saint subsequently. Some of the excerpts are given below.
“No sooner the Light was perceived, happiness prevailed on me” “The sweet nectar was tasted by me as soon as the great Grand Light (Arutperunjothi) became visible”. It is quite natural that the Inner Light is Omniscient, and anyone having a mastery over it can enjoy happiness with a Blissful state.