The omnipotent God is eternally existing in two aspects. What all We can see and sense in the external universe is the outer aspect of Him. The cause and effect of this boundless universe is the Inner aspect of Him. Though these two aspects are eternal, the outer - one is visible and ever changing on the other hand the Inner - one is invisible and changeless. From the Inner - most the Almighty power is ever expressing out all to appear, disappear and reappear in the whole universe. The man with all his sense organs, reasoning mind material and mechanical aids is unable to find out either the Outer - most of the universe or the Inner-most of himself. All the sciences and philosophies are trying unsuccessfully to probe towards either extremity. The material scientist's vision is reaching some stellar region while he has actually visited and landed the lunar sphere. The spiritual philosophers and yogis have gone deep into themselves and there they have experienced some Divine mystic power. From this Inner experience of the Self or soul which is permanent, the knowledge of the two aspects of God has come to light.

Nuclear science has given out some atomic energy of electromagnetic forces. But these forces are not Divine. From the nucleus of the material atom when the life energy comes out some physical body is built around that particular atom. Along with that life energy sensuous knowledge too develops and blossoms into intellectual mind in the human life. This mind has been endowed with the reasoning power by which the man is exploring all the outer and inner truths. Here, it is to be known that all the above energies have come out from the nucleus of one atom or other. That life giving atom in man is found out, to be shining from the mid head of the man through out his life time. The mystic atom of life and light is switched on and off by some unknown agent. The higher psychic knowledge of yogis has revealed that the mystic atom is the Divine soul atom of Atman. This soul atom is the Eternal abode or God who is One Supreme. Being existing Omni presently for ever, He is commanding and ruling from this atom for all the creation and destruction in the world.
From the above paragraph it is clear that the soul atom of man is really the Eternal throne of God Himself, His Omnipresent attribute makes Him to express out from everywhere. In any form of expression He projects only very small portion of His Being; but that too comes to realization when the man transcends to that soul plane. There is none but Himself existing Eternally without changing in the innermost and with changing outwardly. Hence, in man too, the soul and living body are really the double expression of God Himself. Till now the man was holding himself to be a physical being of temporary life. Even a yogic philosopher by his unripe soul knowledge was thinking that he was only a soul being brought out to this physical life in order to get the self realization. After that soul realization he merges into it and loses the outer frame. Thus his Divine knowledge and soul experience come to an end. To this soul atom the eternal life is to come through the outer life only. From outside one cannot life as eternal life. Therefore he must at first take his lodging at the soul abode.
The soul atom is common to both God and man. In reality of higher Divine experience, man and God are one and the same. Without clinging to the sensuous life the man is to live a pure life of Divine Love from the Innermost. By His Omni grace this Divine man is entitled to live an Eternal Blessed life. This Eternal life of God is the Divine right of man. To be unaware of this Divine right and passing away ignorantly is not the Will of God.
Death is not the end of the man. In death, only the physical body is lost. After the physical death the soul unfolds its life energy to form another body of new birth in this world. Here, one is to know something about the spirit body and the spiritual world. At the time of death, the outer body begins to decay and dissolve, in the meantime the spirit form that comes out of the corpse continues a ghost life for a longer period. This spirit or ghost may enter in some other body and reveal something nor a holy one of Divine quality. This spirit of a departed person may be guiding its devout followers and worshippers for a long time. But through that medium, no one can get the highest salvation. The true Divine life is to come directly from the Soul itself.
The soul knowledge and life are obtainable only in the physical life of material world. Unless one realizes his Divine soul life in this world he cannot live in Oneness of Him. Therefore he who lives in God will be blessed with immortalization. This is the Deathless life. Without understanding this Eternal Life, all the people of the world are passing on and passing away. The worldly religions are not teaching the humanity about the Supreme Truth of Almighty God, who is Only One for all. The present scientific mechanical life, the religious material life and the physical spiritual life cannot enable the man to obtain the Blessed Eternal Life.
Deathlessness and a Blissful life is the goal of man. This life opens from the soul or Innermost of every one. So it is not bound against any religion. There is no hindrance to any body to live in any circumstance.
People of the world without knowing the most Supreme Divine Truth are imagining and demonstrating many many things about God, Atman, soul and spirit. The religious scriptures, philosophical treatises, scientific theories and all the isms of today have not brought a peaceful and happy life in the world. It is seen that some fast changes are happening in all the life of mankind. The Omni gracious Light of God is spreading on the horizon of the Inner world. This truth of Divine Light has been revealed and realized by our Swami Ramalingam (Thiru Arutprakasa Vallalar of Vadalur). As a Proof of his true realization he has attained immortality. Those who come to abide in the Soul Divine can perceive him and live a life of compassion in Oneness of himself. The old attainment of soul stage is, not at all a death less life. The life that is evolved from that Eternal soul transforms the nature of body to fill up by everlasting light of Grace. Hence the deathlessness to man is the Divine Will and order.
Written by:Swami SARAVANANANDA